Veeco signed join development with imec on GaN-Based Power Devices

Veeco Instruments Inc., the world’s leading supplier of metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) systems, announced today that it has signed a joint development project (JDP) agreement with imec, the Belgium-based nano-electronics research center.  The collaboration is expected to accelerate the development of highly-efficient, Gallium Nitride (GaN) based, power electronic devices using GaN Epi wafers created using Veeco’s Propel® Power GaN MOCVD system.

Imec has already demonstrated significant gains in GaN layer uniformity and run-to-run repeatability with Veeco’s Propel system, resulting in significantly improved power device yields.  The single wafer reactor incorporates Veeco’s proprietary TurboDisc® technology that delivers superior film uniformity, run-to-run control and defect levels compared to batch reactors.

“Within the framework of our industrial affiliation program on GaN-on-Si, Veeco and imec have collaborated over the last four years to improve the Epi quality of GaN layers deposited on silicon wafer substrates,”

said Rudi Cartuyvels, Senior Vice President Smart Systems and Energy Technologies at imec.  “The ultimate goal is to produce the next generation of highly efficient power switching devices. We have set very high GaN device yield and reliability targets for 2016 and we look forward to partnering with Veeco to achieve these targets.”

Learn more about Power electronics Gallium Nitride devices and applications markets reading our report here.

“We are very pleased with our imec collaboration,” said Jim Jenson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Veeco MOCVD Operations.  “Global demand for advanced power electronics with greater energy efficiency, a smaller form factor and greater reliability is rapidly accelerating.  We believe that the technology in our Propel single wafer system will enable imec to achieve their power device targets and help to bring these advanced devices to market faster.”

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