Gallium Nitride Applications

Applications & markets of GaN in Power electronics, from user’s point of view

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What you will get

The first market report that talks about Gallium Nitride openly. We will explore and interview potential users of GaN power device, and get them to tell us if they will move to it or not. That is the one report you were expecting. With real analysis of how will GaN enter the power electronics market, which applications will adopt it and which devices will be used, as well as which players are ready to move to GaN. Get to know Gallium Nitride power electronics as it’s coming.

The semiconductor landscape is moving, and the GaN landscape with it:

The semiconductor market is reshaping. We are experiencing more M&A this year than ever, and that includes GaN market too. With International Rectifier acquired by Infineon, or the same Infineon signing a partnership with Panasonic, how will start-ups react? EPC Corp., Transphorm or the new French comer ExaGaN, GaN market’s future is unclear to everybody. Acquisitions, partnerships, licensing… everything can happen, and this report will be your plan to get ready.

It’s not about the devices, it’s about who will use them

Why speak always about players and devices and performances, when the real question is “What will you do with a GaN Transistor?”. We analyzed the market from potential user’s point of view. And we have seen interesting facts. Photovoltaic inverters, UPS, Hybrid and electric cars… all these applications are said to be among the early adopters of GaN devices. We do not believe in that and the market will tell you the same.

For the first, you will get a real answer about the segments GaN will penetrate first. And there may be a few surprises.

GaN versus Silicon or GaN with Silicon?

Most analysis you have seen talked about how, when and how fast will GaN replace Silicon. We don’t believe in that. You remember the IGBT times? Did IGBT replaced all other technologies? Of course not. Because a new technology is not about replacing a market, it’s about creating new markets. Thyristors, GTO’s and MOSFET still have their place next to IGBT. It allowed new possibilities of conversion nobody could imagine without these new performances. MEMS created an enhanced featured smartphone market nobody saw coming.

Gallium nitride is not a Silicon replacement, it’s a Silicon improvement. It will allow new possibilities we explored and will thoroughly present in this report.

Now be part of it and pre-buy a clear and insightful report. It’s about your business and your future.


Design by Point The Gap: Experts in Semiconductor Market Intelligence


PPT format with a lot a schematics, graphics, images, metrics…


At least 120 pages. But probably more than that!


Appplications analysis, Market metrics, Company profiles and strategy analysis and much more to expect!


Deep technical knowledge and market insight in the same document

  • 120 pages minimum guaranteed

    We already know that there is as much to say. But we will probably give you more!

  • Powerpoint format

    Showing information graphically makes it clearer and accessible

  • Feedbacks are welcome

    As a pre-buyer, you get to give use some hints about what you expect. We will do our best to follow it!