GE & Shinko Electric to commercialize Power Overlay

GE Ventures and SHINKO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. (SHINKO) announced that SHINKO has been granted a patent license and technology transfer of an advanced embedded packaging solution for power electronics called Power Overlay (POL).This patent license and technology transfer deal, signed in early 2015, is a strategic collaboration between GE and SHINKO in both technology and business development.
Developed by GE Global Research as part of a major GE focus in power electronics research over the last decade, POL has been licensed to SHINKO to industrialize the packaging platform to transition POL for manufacturing efforts to be utilized by GE and others. The platform enables higher efficiency and power density with reduced parasitics, and greatly impacting the power, telecommunications and consumer electronics industries. Power modules designed with POL have proven to have power densities up to 50% higher and efficiency improved up to 10%.
GE General Electric Shinko Power overlay POL power module packaging

Extract from “Packaging Challenges and Solutions
for Silicon Carbide Power Electronics” – ECTC 2012 – Ljubisa Stevanovic

“GE is extremely pleased to work with SHINKO on the commercialization of the POL technology – SHINKO brings world class manufacturing process and ability to transition new technologies to production,” said Pat Patnode, President of Licensing for GE Ventures.
GE Ventures accelerates innovation and growth for partners by providing access to GE technologies and inventions through licensing and joint development partnerships. This advanced microelectronics packaging technology is being licensed to leading global manufacturing partners to provide advanced solutions back to businesses worldwide and also to GE, as part of the GE Store.
“Through SHINKO’s extensive manufacturing knowledge, we will be able to achieve value added solutions in order to positively impact the power electronics industry,” said Masato Tanaka, Corporate Officer, General Manager – Research and Development Div. of SHINKO. “We look forward to these outcomes and collaborating with GE in the future.”
SHINKO is a worldwide semiconductor packaging supplier with diverse technology driven initiatives and industry leading manufacturing capabilities. The company is currently testing the POL packaging platform, with plans to release solutions in 2016.


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